A practical introduction to the Christian faith that allows you to explore the meaning of life
A fun, relaxed, and totally no-pressure environment
A place where you listen, learn, discuss, and discover — anyone can ask anything!
Alpha is for anyone 18+ years old who has questions about life, faith, and meaning. It’s a place where people of all ages, backgrounds, and faith traditions, can come together, enjoy good food and good company, and discuss some of those big questions. Alpha is for the curious skeptic as much as it’s for the lifelong Catholic. Bring your heart and your questions and let’s explore together!
Each Alpha course session begins with dinner and is followed by a short video that looks at some of life’s big questions and some aspects of the Christian faith. After the video, there is time for discussion in a friendly small group of peers.
Childcare is available!

“We did Alpha shortly after we joined the parish. It was a wonderful way to get to know people in our community and discuss our faith. We have made such good friends and we still text prayers to each other daily. It made a big church feel smaller and more like home.”
“Definitely. I will be back when Alpha starts again. This will be the 4th time that I have been in the Alpha. I have some issues that I know the Alpha will still be helping me. Everyone is amazing. They are kind and they listen and talk about issues that anyone might need help. ”
“As a lapsed Catholic for most of my adult life, I felt drawn back to Catholicism during the pandemic. I registered for Alpha while waiting for RCIA to begin again, then found out I didn’t need to do RCIA because I’m already Catholic! Alpha was so interesting, welcoming, and affirming that I continued with the course anyway. It’s the perfect introduction to Christianity and the perfect reinforcement of Christian beliefs. I’m so grateful for the Alpha experience at Solano!”