Where were you born? Newport Beach, CA

Tell us about your family! I've been married to my best friend, Matt for 23 years.  We have 7 wonderful children, and a guard dog named Champ.

What is your favorite part about Solano? My favorite part of Solano is the people! In 18 years of working here, I have found that we have the most generous, loving, and faith-filled staff and parishioners. I am honored to be a part of such an amazing community.

What does "Belong" mean to you? When you belong, you are a part of something bigger than yourself, a community or family, where you are seen, heard, loved, and valued.

What is something people most likely don't know about you? I'm highly competitive and hate to lose.

What is your favorite song? Abandoned by Brandon Lake

What is your favorite food? anything potatoes or chicken

Most embarrassing moment in your life? I was almost trash canned my freshman year while cheering during a basketball game; however, the assistant principal stepped in, at the perfect moment and saved me! 

Random/fun fact about yourself? I love running!

What is your vision for Solano? My vision for Solano is to ensure all people who walk onto our campus feel a sense of belonging, then in turn, encounter and believe in the Lord through developing an authentic relationship and becoming a devoted disciple, sharing the Good News and faith to those around them, for God's glory.