dive into God’s sacred word
Scripture plays a central role in one’s faith. The entire first half of Mass is the Liturgy of the Word, with a homily applying the weekly Scriptures to our lives. Yet, how many of us have actually read and studied the Bible, or understand what God is saying to us through His Word? At Solano, we desire each person to grow in their love, knowledge, and understanding of our faith in tradition and Word.
This year, we have a co-ed Bible Study and a Women’s Bible Study!
Women’s Bible Study
Introducing, Solano’s new Women’s Bible Study! We meet every Monday, starting January 13 from 6:30-8:30 PM. All women of the parish are welcome to dive into our book study of Walking with Purpose’s “Opening Your Heart”. We have fellowship and then meet in small groups to discuss the deep questions of life and our faith. Come renew your soul and build friendships with the women of Solano! Our ministry strives to empower women no matter where they are in their faith journey, and we support them to live out their faith with courage, compassion, and purpose. Our Bible Study is for ALL women in the parish! Registration is $50 which includes the book ($40) and registration cost ($10). If you have already purchased the book, there is a “Registration Cost Only” option as well.
Everyone is invited to this Bible Study! The 10-week study of Part 2 of the Study of the Book of Acts from Ascension Press! We will continue reading the compelling story of the first Christians. We will meet for 10 weeks to read and discuss scripture in Room B in our Parish Hall. Registration is not required for this Bible Study!