Where were you born? Wilmington, DE
Tell us about your family! We have three children Carl-Ever (Tucker), Joshua, and Tarcy. And at this point six grandchildren although we anticipate that number to increase in the future. They are spread out--one lives in Laguna Beach, the others in Idaho and New York.
What is your favorite part about Solano? I love the community spirit and how so many people share their time, talents, and treasure with the parish. I grew up in an Italian community on the East Coast, where the parish was the center of social life. I see this happening at Solano despite the changes in technology and relationships today. The parish brings not only the spiritual but also the inter-personal support we all need.
What does "Belong" mean to you? Belong means we are part of.
What is something people most likely don't know about you? I worked full-time at a gas station while working my way through college.
What is your favorite song? Ave Maria
What is your favorite food? Anything but squirrel.
Most embarrassing moment in your life? I don't embarrass easily.
Random/fun fact about yourself? I am the oldest out of all our clergy. I have told both our priests it is hard for me to go to confession with someone younger than my children.
What is your vision for Solano? Keeping it on the path we are currently on.