Where were you born? San Diego
Tell us about your family! I have been married to my wife Amy for 23 years and we have 7 awesome kids.
What is your favorite part about Solano? I love the community here! We have amazing priests, an awesome staff, and wonderful families who make the environment of Solano one that anyone would feel welcome.
What does "Belong" mean to you? Belong means that I don't have to question weather or not I am welcome, loved, and excepted. I Belong, because Jesus loves me and my Parish reflects that love.
What is something people most likely don't know about you? I love fixing things. I am always willing to at least try to fix something in my home before calling for help. I can usually figure it out, but I'm not too proud to admit when something is outside of my abilities.
What is your favorite song? This changes pretty regularly, but for this season.. "Abandoned" by Brandon Lake
What is your favorite food? Chicken Adobo with Pancit and few Lumpia!
Most embarrassing moment in your life? Picture it, Sicily 2015...actually Georgia. I was leading music for a Catholic teen summer camp and it was "Water Games Day". I did not bring swim trunks, but I did have a pair basketball shorts that did not have a string to tighten them (they were for sleeping...anyway). One of the other team members challenged me to a race down these massive slip and slides and I accepted. We took off and I was winning...I was so much faster than this dude. 3 quarters of the way down there was a lip where the tarps were connected, I flew right over that lip and it caught the waste of my shorts proceeding to pull them and everything else down to my ankles! I struggled to pull up my shorts while still sliding down the hill at an impressive speed. Going so fast, I slid right past the end of the slip and slide and onto the grass where I continued to tumble down the hill while trying so hard to pull up my shorts and not have the police called on me. I was assured by the staff that "no one saw anything", but all I could think was..."that impossible and I'm never going to be invited back". That might be the most embarrassing thing...maybe.
Random/fun fact about yourself? I can quote every line to the movie Dumb and Dumber
What is your vision for Solano? That Solano would continue to grow into a place where people could come and be received warmly, grow in their relationship with Jesus, and take the love, joy, healing and peace they experience here, into their daily lives and to the people they encounter.