Where were you born? Los Angeles, California
Tell us about your family! My husband, John, and I have been married since 2020 and we have a Macaulay Culkin look-alike for our son. And we have an elderly dog named Sheldon who is on his last leg of life. I come from a very loving and close family with my parents being great examples of devout Catholics and with my three older brothers taking the best care of me. Although growing up we were not financially blessed, God heaped blessings of love onto our family and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
What is your favorite part about Solano? The priests! We have been blessed with the most loving, humble, kind, and fun priests who have played a tremendous role in my faith and I will be forever grateful to them all.
What does "Belong" mean to you? To me, "Belong" at Solano means making Solano a refuge for anyone who is seeking acceptance, love, and a place to call home. A place where they can experience the love of Jesus in the sacraments and also in each person they encounter at Solano.
What is something people most likely don't know about you? I am Mathematics professor at Cypress College.
What is your favorite song? Shogeki by Yuko Ando (am I supposed to choose a Jesus song for this? If so, Alabaster by The Vigil Project and Andrea Thomas.)What is your favorite food?STEAK with a cup of bernaise sauce on the side.
Most embarrassing moment in your life? When I order at Subway, I always ask for extra mayo. One of the employees at Subway got to know me, so whenever I would walk in he would say "It's extra mayo." Flash forward a couple of years, I am at Subway on the first Valentine's Day I was single after being with someone for 7 years. The employee who knows me asks where my boyfriend is and I told him we broke up. The employee responds with "He couldn't take the mayo huh."
Random/fun fact about yourself? I don't know how to ride a bicycle :(
What is your vision for Solano? I would love to see a Young Adult ministry at Solano and would also love to see the church filled on Tuesdays with people spending time with Jesus in Adoration.