First Holy Communion & OCIC (Baptism):
Our First Communion and OCIC (Order of Christian Initiation for Children) is a two-year family experience designed to equip parents to teach, share faith, and pray with their children.
OCIC (Baptism for ages 7-17) children will be welcomed into the Roman Catholic faith, receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation during the Easter Vigil of their second (final) year of preparation.
First Communion/Baptism Fee: $150
• Students will attend weekly YFF sessions (Click here for each YFF program’s calendar)
• Parents will lead family meetings in their homes (lessons and companion kits will be supplied)
• To prepare for the family meetings, families will participate in one preparatory Family Enrichment Workshop
• Parents are welcome to participate in the ALPHA program (optional)
• Students will attend weekly YFF sessions (Click here for each YFF program’s calendar)
• Parents will lead family meetings in their homes (lessons and companion kits will be supplied)
• To prepare for the family meetings and rehearse for receiving sacraments, families will participate in nine preparatory Family Enrichment Workshops
• Parents are welcome to participate in the ALPHA program (optional)
Confirmation (Grades 9-12)
Congratulations and welcome to Confirmation! Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two-year journey. This process typically begins in 9th grade; however, students have until their senior year in high school, so we encourage them to journey at their own pace. Our hope and desire for our students is to encounter Jesus and learn more about their faith and the Church’s teachings. We can't wait to journey with your student!